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All Cameras >> Leica >> Leica Standard (E)

Leica Standard (E) Rangefinder Film Camera Sample Photos

Film Size: 135 Picture Size: 24x36mm
Marketed: 1932 to 1948
Lens Mount: Screw
Random Leica Standard (E) Samples from 85 available Photos more
g4/25/676025/3/136573149.R6Qq5cL8.jpg g4/25/676025/3/136573152.1HkDc6U7.jpg g4/25/676025/3/136573163.CugM4ItQ.jpg g4/25/676025/3/136573140.Q6ZcbDrY.jpg
g4/25/676025/3/136573121.vHjoAzHc.jpg g4/25/676025/3/136573148.KVGP4Atb.jpg g4/25/676025/3/136573125.tPcQ3Mtu.jpg g4/25/676025/3/136573113.fCkQzyOy.jpg
g4/25/676025/3/136573116.7RtE5wM5.jpg g4/25/676025/3/136573133.pioIDio3.jpg g4/25/676025/3/136572155.vRUz27Ou.jpg g4/25/676025/3/136573142.eWraJQY6.jpg


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