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All Cameras >> Panasonic >> Panasonic DMC-FZ1

Panasonic DMC-FZ1 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 02-Mar-2003
Megapixels: 2
Random Panasonic DMC-FZ1 Samples from 12834 available Photos more
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Bill Collinson10-Mar-2008 22:55
The cult classic Panasonic Lumix FZ-1. I'm surprised that there isn't a long list of comments and love letters here! This was my first "serious" digicam, and it is in fact still in use today by my 11yr old Boy Scout. The long reaching, sharp Leica lens made this camera stand out. Olympus can probably claim the first "superzoom", but Panasonic really hit a home run with the little FZ-1. It was "only" 2megapixels, but it was sharp, usable resolution. Ok, it was noisy and like most Panasonic cams you can blow out highlights easily. But it made up for it with easy handling, small size, and a stabilized lens before anyone else offered one in a compact camera. The FZ-1 is still considered one of the best cams Panasonic has ever managed to construct. Enjoy all these great images! You can see some FZ-1 shots in my GAFB Documenation Project gallery Ciao!

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