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Kristján Pétursson's Recent Galleries

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07-Jan-2025 13:28
Borgir - Citys
:: Borgir - Citys ::
07-Jul-2023 13:25
Kirkjur - Churches in Iceland
:: Kirkjur - Churches in Iceland ::
04-Dec-2021 13:13
:: Reykjavík ::
29-May-2021 09:03
Fólk og fé - People and fauna of Iceland
:: Fólk og fé - People and fauna of Iceland ::
24-Aug-2017 13:25
:: Köben ::
10-Sep-2014 12:48
:: cinque_terre ::
15-Jul-2013 21:47
:: USA ::
22-Jul-2012 10:22
 Spánn / Spain
::  Spánn / Spain ::
13-Nov-2010 12:15
Vinna - Work
:: Vinna - Work ::
11-Sep-2010 10:21
Tyrkland / Turkey
:: Tyrkland / Turkey ::
29-Aug-2008 10:01
Comovatn, Coderadalurinn og Cinque Terre
:: Comovatn, Coderadalurinn og Cinque Terre ::
25-Sep-2006 13:03
:: Osló ::